Year in review through the eyes of our readers
From conscription in Canada to MAID to cries for help, these topics caught our readers’ attention in 2024

10. Lawyers are not their clients
Legal groups were quick to criticize the Manitoba government for ousting an MLA over his legal colleague’s representation of a convicted sexual predator
By Dale Smith
9. Is Quebec defying the law by moving ahead on MAID?
At the end of October, the province permited advance requests for an assisted death
By Doug Beazley
8. Surveys reveal key challenges for law firms and government lawyers in Canada
Canadian law firms view themselves as successful, but their definition of success doesn't always align with how they measure or plan for it
By Gail J. Cohen
7. How to keep lawyers from quitting
Firms are looking for the best ways to retain their best talent through a mix of measures that include flexible working arrangements
By Caroline James
6. ‘A cry for help’
New report on wellness paints a grim picture of life in the legal profession
By Holly Lake
5. An honourable move or a slippery slope?
Supreme Court Justice Mahmud Jamal’s decision to recuse himself from a hearing on Quebec’s secularism law raised questions
By Doug Beazley
4. Final debate approaches on troubling age verification bill
Critics say what’s proposed is technologically unfeasible and raises considerable privacy concerns
By Dale Smith
3. Law professor gives Lexis+ AI a failing grade
‘Given its current limitations, I cannot recommend this to my law students, and I would not use it for my own legal research at this time’
By Benjamin Perrin
2. Conscription in Canada
Mandatory military service ended here in 1945. But as take-up of it accelerates among allies, could this country follow suit?
By Agnese Smith
1. The demise of Heenan Blaikie
New book looks at Canadian law firm that ‘failed spectacularly’
By Gail J. Cohen